Aarin Gates | United States | asaentertainment.com |
Aaron Feinberg | United States | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com (a) | expn.go.com (b) |
Albert Hooi | Ireland | worldrollingseries.com |
Alberto Arakaki | Brazil | wikipedia.org
Alex Broskow | United States | SkateLog Profile | worldrollingseries.com |
Alex Burston | United Kingdom | worldrollingseries.com |
Andre Englehart | United States | SkateLog Profile | xgames.com | expn.go.com |
Andreas Trefzer | home country to be added | sk8mag.de |
Angela Araujo | Brazil | SkateLog Profile | expn.go.com |
Angie Walton | United States | enclopedia.com |
Anis Iboulalen | France | xgames.com | | expn.go.com |
Anneke Winter | Germany | SkateLog Profile | xgames.com | expn.go.com |
Anthony Avella | France | | SkateLog Profile | Facebook | expn.go.com |
Ardeshir Ghovanlopoor | Iran | wikipedia.org |
Arlo Eisenberg | United States | SkateLog Profile |
Ayumi Kawasaki | Japan | SkateLog Profile | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com |
Ben Schwab | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Ben Weis | United States | SkateLog Profile | xgames.com |
Beni Huber | Switzerland | SkateLog Profile | expn.go.com (a) | expn.go.com (b) |
Billy O'Neil | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Blake Dennis | Australia | SkateLog Profile | expn.go.com |
Blake O'Brien | United States | SkateLog Profile | xgames.co,>/a?> |
Bobby Tateishi | United States | SkateLog Profile | xgames.com |
Borja Fernández | Spain | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com |
Brandon Smith | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Brian Aragon | United States | SkateLog Profile | worldrollingseries.com | asaentertainment.com | expn.go.com |
Brian Shima | United States | SkateLog Profile | worldrollingseries.com | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org |
Brooke Howard-Smith | New Zealand | wikipedia.org |
Bruno Löwe | Germany | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com |
Caio Germano | Brazil | SkateLog Profile | xgames.com |
Cameron Card | United States | SkateLog Profile | Facebook | expn.go.com |
Carl Hills (1984-2014) | United States | SkateLog Profile | expn.go.com | Obituary |
Carlos Pianowski | Brazil | SkateLog Profile | worldrollingseries.com | Facebook |
César Andrade | Brazil | SkateLog Profile | wikipedia.org
Cesar Mora | Australia and Spain | SkateLog Profile | wikipedia.org | ://www.asaentertainment.com/athletes/cesar-mora/">asaentertainment.com | expn.go.com |
Chaz Sands | United Kingdom, Scotland | worldrollingseries.com | asaentertainment.com |
Chiaki Ito | Japan | be-mag.com | expn.go.com |
Chris Edwards | United States | SkateLog Profile | wikipedia.org
Chris Farmer | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Chris Haffey | United States | SkateLog Profile | worldrollingseries.com | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org |
Chrissy Graselli | Brazil | asaentertainment.com |
Christian Peter | Switzerland | Instagram | skamidan.com |
Christopher "Chris" Fleener | United States | expn.go.com |
Chynna Weierstall | United States | asaentertainment.coma |
CJ Wellsmore | Australia | worldrollingseries.com |
Clifford Viljoen | South Africa | expn.go.com |
Coco Sanchez | United States | asaentertainment.com |
Cosimo Tassone | Switzerland | worldrollingseries.com |
Cristina Bonilla | Spain | asaentertainment.com |
Dalmo Travaglini | Brazil | SkateLog Proile | xgames.com |
Daniel Prell | Germany | worldrollingseries.com |
Dave Jones | United States | SkateLog Profile |
Dave Lang | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
David Sizemore | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Davide Giannoni | Italy | wikipedia.org
Demetrios George | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Dennis Dutt | Germany | facebook | guinnessworldrecords.com
Dominic Beck | Switzerland | expn.go.com
Dominic Sagona | United States | worldrollingseries.com | expn.go.com |
Dominik Wagner | Germany | worldrollingseries.com |
Don Bambrick | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Dre Powell | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Dustin Latimer | United States | wikipedia.org |
Eitan Kramer | United States | wikipedia.org
Eito Yasutoko | Japan | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com |
Elmer Pillon | Canada | SkateLog Profile | wikipedia.org |
Erik Bailey | United States | worldrollingseries.com | asaentertainment.com |
Fabio Enes | Brazil | worldrollingseries.com |
Fabiola Da Silva | Brazil | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org expn.go.com |
Fallon Heffernan | United States | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | expn.go.com |
Franky Morales | United States | SkateLog Profile | worldrollingseries.com | | asaentertainment.com | | expn.go.com |
Gabriel Hyden | Austria | worldrollingseries.com |
Ian Brown | Australia | SkateLog Profile | a href="http://www.xgames.com/athletes/3014252/ian-brown">xgames.com |
Jacob Juul | Denmark | worldrollingseries.com |
Jake Elliott | United States | expn.go.com |
Jaren Grob | United States | SkateLog Profile | expn.go.com | instagram |
Jason Stinsmen | United States | expn.go.com |
Javier Bujanda | Spain | expn.go.com |
JC Rowe | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Jeerasak Tassorn | Thailand | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com |
Jeff Dalnas | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Jeff Stockwell | United States | SkateLog Profile asaentertainment.com | worldrollingseries.com |
Jenna Downing | United Kingdom | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com |
Jenny Curry | United States | cwest.com | encyclopedia.com |
Jenny Logue | United Kingdom | SkateLog Profile | baysideblades.com.au |
Jeph Howard | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Jeremy Pennacchini | United States | expn.go.com |
Joey Chase | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
John Bolino | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Jon Julio | United States | SkateLog Profile | Facebook | worldrollingseries.com | expn.go.com |
Jonathan Bergeron | Canada | SkateLog Profile |
Josh Whitfield | United States | Facebook | Nashville Rollerblading YouTube Video |
Kate Gengo | United States | WASN 1999 Archive |
Katie Brown | United States | SkateLog Profile | xgames.om | expn.go.com |
Katie Ketchum | United States | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com |
Kelly Matthews | United States | SkateLog Profile | expn.go.com |
Kevin Marron Lopez | Italy | wikipedia.org | ? |
Kiril Trayanov | Bulgaria | wikipedia.org
Lamine Fathi | France | facebook | instagram | xgames.com |
Leo Riot | United States | wikipedia.org
Leonid Kamburov | Russia | wikipedia.org
Louie Zamora | United States | SkateLog Profile | expn.go.com (a) | expn.go.com (b) |
Lukas Burgunder | Switzerland | Facebook |
Manuel Billiris | Australia | SkateLog Profile | expn.go.com |
Marc Englehart | United States | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com |
Marco de Santi | Brazil | SkateLog Profile | wikipedia.org
Mario Hartenberger | home country to be added | sk8mag.de |
Martina Svobodova | Slovakia | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | expn.go.com
Mathias Silhan | France | worldrollingseries.com |
Matt Donald | Canada | SkateLog Profile | xgames.com |
Matt Lindenmuth | United States | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com |
Matt Salerno | Australia | SkateLog Profile | wikipedia.org| expn.go.com |
Matthias Ogger | Germany | worldrollingseries.com |
Mike Budnik | United States | SkateLog Profile | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com (a) | expn.go.com (b) |
Montre Livingston | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Nel Martín | Spain | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com (a) | expn.go.com (b) |
Nick Lomax | United Kingdom | Facebook | worldrollingseries.com |
Nick Riggle | United States | expn.go.com |
Nick Wood | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Nicky Adams | Canada | SkateLog Profile | xgames.com | expn.go.com |
Nicolas Calderón | Colombia | wikipedia.org
Nicolas Mougin | France | wikipedia.org
Nikolaj Najdenov | Bulgaria | wikipedia.org
Nils Jansons | Latvia | worldrollingseries.com |
Otto Bolaños | Colombia | wikipedia.org
Patrick Zimmermann | Germany | sk8mag.de | wikipedia.org
Paul Malina | Australia | expn.go.com |
Paul Noworyta | United States | wikipedia.org
Pavel Mitrenga | Bulgaria | wikipedia.org
Randy Marino | United States | expn.go.com |
Randy Spizer | United States | xgames.com |
Rene Hulgreen | Denmark | wikipedia.org
Rich Parker | United Kingdom | wikipedia.org
Richie Eisler | Canada | worldrollingseries.com |
Richie Velasquez | United States | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | xgames.com |
Robert Guerrero | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Roman Abrate | France | worldrollingseries.com |
Rui Kitamura | Japan | SkateLog Profile | SkateLog Profile | expn.go.com |
Ryan Dawes | United States | SkateLog Profile | xgames.com | expn.go.com |
Sam Fogarty | Australia | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | expn.go.com |
Samo Bajec | Slovenia | expn.go.com
Santiago Azpurua | Venezuela | xgames.com | expn.go.com |
Sascha Reichert | Germany | instagram |
Sean Kelso | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Sergio García | Spain | wikipedia.org
Shane Saviers | United States | expn.go.com |
Shane Yost | Australia | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com |
Shannon Rodgers | United States | asaentertainment.com |
Shawn Robertson | United States | expn.go.com |
Shayne Skower | United States | expn.go.com |
Soichiro Kanashima | Japan | worldrollingseries.com |
Stefan Horngacher | Germany | worldrollingseries.com |
Stephane Alfano | France | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | Facebook | expn.go.com |
Sven Boekhorst | Netherlands | SkateLog Profile | worldrollingseries.com | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com |
Taïg Khris | Algeria and France | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org | expn.go.com (a) | |
Takeshi Yasutoko | Japan | SkateLog Profile | wikipedia.org | asaentertainment.com | expn.go.com |
Tasha Hodgson | New Zealand | encyclopedia.com |
Thierry Lallemand | France | expn.go.com | laroulette.eu |
Thomas Trefzer | sk8mag.de | Ma href="http://www.sk8mag.de/People/Trefzer/">sk8mag.de |
Thumper Nagasako | United States | SkateLog Profile | asaentertainment.com | wikipedia.org
Tim Adams | United States | be-mag.com |
Tim Ward | Australia | wikipedia.org |
Tobias Bucher | Germany | xgames.com | expn.go.com |
Tom Fry | Australia | wikipedia.org |
Tomohiko Nakamura | Japan | wikipedia.org |
Tyler Shields | United States | wikipedia.org |
Victor Arias | United States | worldrollingseries.com |
Warren Digne | France | worldrollingseries.com |
Wilfried Rossignol | France | facebook | asaentertainment.com | xgames.com | expn.go.com |
Worapoj Boonim | Thailand | worldrollingseries.com |
Yusuke Aihara | Japan | wikipedia.org |
Yuto Goto | Japan | be-mag.com |
To Be Added
Andreas March | German Champion Inline Halfpipe 2006 |
Christoph Kälber | Germany | skamidan.com |
Daniel "Dani" Skerzn (Died April 30, 2018) | Russia | be-mag.com | YouTube |
Daniel Lott | Germany | skamidan.com |
Daniel Parker | home country to be added | Halfpipe Landwasser (facebook)guinnessworldrecords.com |
Dennis Dutt | Germany | light-team.de | guinnessworldrecords.com |
Felix Herklotz | German Champion Inline Halfpipe 2000 and 2009 |
Jakob Esselmann | Germany | powerslide | Instagram | SkaMiDan video |
Jan Mertens | German Vice Champion Inline Halfpipe 2008 |
Karlis Bowman | home country to be added | facebook | instagram | guinnessworldrecords.com |
Kevin Lopez | Belgium | guinnessworldrecords.com |
Niclas Stephan | German champion inline halfpipe 2004 and 2005, third place finisher at the 2005 World Amateur Championships in Manchester , England |
Richard Sedlar | German Champion Inline Halfpipe 2007 and 2008 |
Richard Sedlar | Germany | wikimedia commons | guinnessworldrecords.com |
Sarah Nitz | Germany | skamidan.com |
Sascha Reichert | Germany | instagram | guinnessworldrecords.com |
Wladislaw Felde | Germany and Russia | skamidan.com |
- A -
Amy Balbier | Female | Davie, Virginia, United States | cwest.com |
Angela Araujo | Female | Curitiba, Parana, Brazil | Skatelog Profile | cwest.com |
Anna Seal | Female | home country to be added | pro bowlde marseille (twitter) | cwest.com |
Anne Kristen Boldt | Female | Geislingen, Germany | cwest.com |
Anneke Winter | Female | Germany | Skatelog Profile | cwest.com |
Antoinette Herr | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Ayumi Kawasaki | Female | Japan | Skatelog Profile | cwest.com |
- B -
Barbara Pizzoni | Female | Perugia, Italy | cwest.com |
Beckie Brinko | Female | Australia | cwest.com |
- C -
Carrie Fory | Female | Orlando, Florida, United States | cwest.com |
Carrie Weldon | Female | Grand Prarie, Texas, United States | cwest.com |
Casey Ulrick | Female | Canberra, Australia | cwest.com |
Chiara Zaffinetti | Female | Roma, Italy | cwest.com |
Christina Diaz | Female | Sao Paulo, Brazil | cwest.com |
Cristin Beverley | Female | home country to be adde | cwest.com |
- D -
Daisy Doyle | Female | Arlington, Virginia, United States | cwest.com |
Dawn Almblad | Female | Boulder, Colorado, United States | cwest.com |
Dawn Everett | Female | Monterey, California, United States | cwest.com |
Deborah West | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Deja Kacic | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
- E -
Emma Gray | Female | Hamilton New Zealand | cwest.com |
Emma Phillips | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
- F -
Fabiola da Silva | Female | Sao Paulo, Brazil | Skatelog Profile | cwest.com |
- G -
Gaillet, Laura | Female | Switzerland | cwest.com |
- H -
Heather Milligan | Female | Monterey, California, United States | cwest.com |
- I -
Ilana Kohn | Female | Arlington, Virginia, United States | cwest.com |
Isabelle Brzegowy | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
- J -
Jamie Burton | Female | Phoenix, Arizona, United States | cwest.com |
Jenna Downing | Female | Skatelog Profile | Barnsley, England, United Kingdom | Skatelog Profile | cwest.com |
Jenny Curry | Female | San Luis Obispo, California, United States | cwest.com |
Jenny Logue | Female | Guildford, England, United Kingdom | Skatelog Profile | cwest.com |
Jesse McCave | Female | Jacksonville, Florida, United States | cwest.com |
Jessica Carrero | Female | Syracuse, New York, United States | cwest.com |
Jessica Loyola | Female | Puerto Rico | cwest.com |
Jodie Tyler | Female | Frankston, British Columbia, Canada | cwest.com |
- K -
Kate Gengo | Female | New York City, New York, United States | cwest.com |
Katia Petiot | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Katie Brown | Female | Jacksonville, Florida, United State | cwest.com |
Katie Dixion | Female | Chandler, Arizona, United States | cwest.com |
Katie Excell | Female | Las Vegas, Nevada, United States | cwest.com | SkateLog Profile |
Katja Mosimann | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Kelly Linder | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Kelly Matthews | Female | Hoboken, New Jersey, United States | cwest.com |
- L -
Lacy Smith | Santa Clara, California, United States | cwest.com |
Laura Connery | Seal Beach, California, United States | cwest.com |
Laura Shankland | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Lissa Kinn | Las Vegas, Nevada, United States | cwest.com |
Lucre Petre | home country to be added | cwest.com |
- M -
Malaika Schroeder | Female | Munich, Germany | cwest.com |
Maria Grasselli | Female | Sao Paulo, Brazil | cwest.com |
Mary Nelson | Female | Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States | cwest.com |
Melanie Euangelista | Female | Las Vegas, Nevada, United States | cwest.com |
Melissa Bone | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Melissa Grosch | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Micheile Guignard | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Michelle Scott | Female | Mississauga, Ontario, Canada | cwest.com |
Milly Knasko | Female | Scottsdale, Arizona, United States | cwest.com |
Mosca Etricelj | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
- N -
Neda Gane | Female | Venice, California, United States | cwest.com |
- R -
Rebecca Reed | Female | Las Vegas, Nevada, United States | cwest.com |
Rebecca Wilkinson | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Renee Ugis | Female | Arlington, Virginia, United States | cwest.com |
Robin Miller | Female | Cincinnati, Ohio, United States | cwest.com |
- S -
Salima Sanga | Female | Echallens, Switzerland | cwest.com |
Sarah Lupton | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Sarris McComb | Female | Missoula, Montana, United States | cwest.com |
Sayaka Yabe | Female | Saitama, Japan | cwest.com |
Shasta Tummillo | Female | Buena Park, California, United States | cwest.com |
Shawna Haligowski | Female | San Diego, California, United States | cwest.com |
Sienna Wells | Female | Sidney, Australia | cwest.com |
Sonia Pillon | Female | Ft Lauderdale, Florida, United States | cwest.com |
Stefanie Fabrizio | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
Stephanie Tolle | Female | Plano, Texas, United States | cwest.com |
Susan Haviland | Female | Port Republic, New Jersey, United States | cwest.com |
Susan Lutzner | Female | home country to be added | cwest.com |
- T -
Tasha Hodgson | Female | Te Aroha, New Zealand | cwest.com |
Tonya McClendon | Female | Atlanta, Georgia, United States | cwest.com |
True Otis | Female | Portland, Oregon, United States | cwest.com |
- V -
Vanessa Lam | Female | Switzerland | cwest.com |
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