Ice skating in Havana
Article published in May of 2015 on the "" Web site.
The twelfth edition of the Havana Biennial never ceases to amaze us.
A few days ago the seawall promenade changed in appearance when the
New York artist Duke Riley installed a skating rink, with a material
in appearance as ice but that is not melted, in the Caribbean city.
A hockey game and a skating disco are among the activities to be
performed while the rink is installed.
Ignoring high temperatures, everyone and especially children have
been enjoying a rare stamp in Havana and this initiative, located
in Belascoain and Malecon Streets, which will be open until tomorrow.
Ice skating on Havana's waterfront
Article publisHed in MAY OF 2015.
on the "BBC News"Web site.
"Normally the only ice you'd expect to find in Havana would be in a mojito.
But for the next month, an ice skating rink has been installed on the
city's iconic seafront, the Malecon.
The open-air ice rink is a the brainchild of New York artist, Duke Riley,
who is one of many artists from the United States displaying their
pieces alongside local Cuban artists for Havana Biennial art festival.
Will Grant got on his skates to meet him and talk about how his
installation relates to the US-Cuba diplomatic thaw."
Comments by Locals in Havana
"It was very strange to see ice beside the Malecon and kids skating
in light clothing."
"I don't know how they keep it frozen in 35 degree weather
but they are doing a fantastic job of it."
"There is no ice involved. It is white plastic sheets about
4 feet by 8 feet that interlock and attach to a subdeck.
They use a similiar item on some cruise ships to set up
temporary rinks. You still use standard ice skates.
No ice, no water no melting, no mess. Very easy and portable."
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