Ice rink is in San Salvador, El Salvador in the
Centro Comercial Multiplaza mall.
Multiplaza Mall of San Salvador - Official Web Site
Multiplaza Mall of San Salvador - Facebook Page
Pay $ 8 instead of $ 18 at the Multiplaza Ice Skating Rink! Includes two 25-minute shifts and two pairs of skates.
-Can be valid for two people (25 minutes each)
-Includes the rental of skates
-Visit the only ice skating rink in El Salvador
-For adults and children
-The track will be for a limited time until January 31. Seize it!
La Navidad Sobre Hielo - Pista de Patinaje en Hielo en MultiPlaza - Facebook Page
The central square of Metrocentro Santa Ana will become an
ICE skating rink all through Christmas.
ADDRESS: Metrocentro Santa Ana, Santa Ana, El Salvador.
NOTE: This facebook page was created on November 6, 2011.
NOTE: This shopping Mall first opened in 1998.
Facebook "SobreHielo" Article
El Salvador Dot Com "Skating Rink in Santa Ana Attracts Many Tourists" 2013 Article
MetroCentro of Santa Ana - Official Web Site
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