Aggressive Inline Skating
Clash of the Americas Inline Contest
Video published on the ""
Web site of an aggressive inline skating
competition in El Salvador.
Inline Speed Skating Videos
Sigue Captación de Talentos en patinaje
Video uploaded in July of 2019
to the "INDES El Salvaor" YouTube videos channel
of the 4th National Championnships in El Salvador.
El Salvador host of the Central American skating championship
Video uploaded in May of 2013
to the "esmitvdeportes" YouTube videos channel.
Campeonato de Patinaje en El Salvador
Video uploaded in May of 2013
to the "esmitvdeportes" YouTube videos channel
Description: Campeonato Centroamericano de Patinaje El Salvador 2013.
Campeonato centroamericano de patinaje El Salvador
Video uploaded in June of 2013
to the "esmitvdeportes" YouTube videos channel
Description: Campeonato centroamericano de patinaje El Salvador.
Lean Oro Patinaje El Salvador 2008 Club Santa Tecla
Video uploaded to the "PierHdez" YouTube channel.
Patinaje El Salvador
Video uploaded to the "YS2PU videos by Marco" YouTube channel.
Description: "Fernándo Rodriguez Junio 2011"
Ciudad Delgado Subió a los Patines
Video uploaded to the "INDES El Salvador" YouTube channel.
Description: "About a dozen schools took part in the
National Basic School Championship organized this Sunday by the Ciudad Delgado Skating School, in coordination with the Salvadoran Federation of this specialty."
Patinaje crea el Ranking de skateboarding
Video uploaded in September of 2021
to the "INDES El Salvador" YouTube videos channel.
The Salvadoran Skating Federation developed the
I National Skate Kids Contest Championship,
which aimed to give life to the national ranking
of skateboarding in the categories under 16 years of age.
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