Federacion Ecuatoriana de Hockey y Patin (FEHP)
IN ENGLISH: Ecuadorian Federation of Hockey and Skating
Organization recognized by the world Skate Federation
as the national governing body for skateboarding
and other roller sports in Ecuador. Officers
of the federation have included
Marisol Castro de Andrade and Juan Carlos Morena.
The disciplines they governing include
artistic roller skating,
inline speed skating,
and roller hockey.
Artistic Roller Skating
fehp.org/artistic.htm (2001 Archive)
fehp.org/artistic.htm (2003 Archive)
Roller Hockey
fehp.org/hockey.htm (2001 Archive)
fehp.org/hockey.htm (2003 Archive)
Speed Skating
fehp.org/carreras (2001 Archive)
fehp.org/carreras (2003 Archive)
Web Sites
WEB SITE URL: fehp.org
WEB SITE URL: fehp.com.ec
WEB SITE URL: fehp.tripod.com
Tripod Site
Social Media Sites
Facebook "FederacionEcuatorianaHockeyPatin" Page
World Skate Members List
Web Site Archives (fehp.tripod.com)
2008 Calendar
Roller Skating Federation of Ecuador
Federacion Ecuatoriana de Hockey y Patin
Presidente: F·tima de Carofilis
ComitÈ OlÌmpico Ecuatoriano
Explanada del Estadio Modelo,
Avenida de las AmÈricas
P.O.Box 09-01-10619, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Phone: 593 4 2296384 | Fax: 593 4 2296384
Web Site:
Misión: Ser la mejor Federación promoviendo la excelencia para desarrollar, y reglamentar las tres disciplinas que son : Carreras, Hockey y Artístico.
Visión: es calificar, organizar, y coordinar las competencias Nacionales e Internacionales, con la ayuda de Jueces y Árbitros debidamente preparados. Fomentar la capacidad de los deportistas para obtener mejores resultados.
Objetivos: Diseñar, elaborar y ejecutar en colaboración con todos los dirigentes, Asociación, Comités para preparar jueces, árbitros por medio de cursos y seminarios.
Ciudad: Guayaquil.
Provincia: Guayas.
Dirección:Comité Olímpico Ecuatoriano, Edificio de Federaciones Ecuatoriana por Deportes, Av. de las Americas explanada del Estadio Modelo.
(5934) 2 296384
Web Site Archives (fehp.org)
2017 Article
Marisol Castro Elected in the Ecuadorian NOC
Article by published in December of 2017
on the official Web site of the world Skate
Federation for Roller Sports and Skateboarding.
2012 Article
FEHP Board of Directors Electeda>
IN SPANISH: Hockey y Patín fue la primera Federación Ecuatoriana en elegir directorio
The Ecuadorian Hockey and Skate Federation elected
Marisol Castro as its new President in the General Assembly,
of which the clubs approved with a Ministerial Agreement
until May 25, 2013 were part, with the presence of the
delegate of the International Federation, Armando Quintanilla.
Castro was appointed to office with four votes in favor of
high-performance clubs, three from training clubs, and
one abstention.
Thus, the Board of Directors of the Ecuadorian Hockey and
Skate Federation was established as follows:
President - Marisol Castro /
Vice President - Patricio Matute
Secretary - Katiuska Alcívar
Treasurer - Fabricio Delgado
First Member - Santiago García
Second Member - Marlon Hinojosa
Third Member - Andrea Sotomayor
First Substitute Member - Paúl Cabrera
Second Substitute Member - Claudia Manffred
Third Substitute Member - Fernando Ochoa
This process corresponds to the agreements of the Ecuador 2012
Tripartite Commission, made up of the International
Olympic Committee, Ministry of Sports and the Ecuadorian
Olympic Committee.
In addition, this new directory will be immediately registered
and recognized by the Ministry of Sports, the COE,
IOC and the respective International Federation,
to guarantee the participation of Ecuadorian athletes
in international tournaments.
2007 Artivle
2007 February letter From Ecuador Olympic Committee
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