DATE: September 21, 2021
IN ENGLISH: The Government of El Salvador, through BANDESAL, provides support to five sports federations
IN SPANISH: El Gobierno de El Salvador, a través de BANDESAL, brinda apoyo a cinco federaciones deportivas
El Banco de Desarrollo de la República de El Salvador (BANDESAL) entregó esta mañana $145 mil dólares a cinco federaciones deportivas, con el fin de apoyarlas en la compra de
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DATE: September 8, 2021
IN ENGLISH: A family of skateboarders
IN SPANISH: Una familia de skateboardistas
Uno de los participantes que atendió el llamado de la Federación Salvadoreña de Patinaje (Fesap) fue Mateo, de 7 años, quien fue llevado por sus padres, Héctor Lemus y Elisa
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DATE: September 3, 2021
IN ENGLISH: The Díaz brothers, the present and future of Salvadoran skating
IN SPANISH: Los hermanos Díaz, el presente y futuro del patinaje salvadoreño
Originally from the municipality of San Marcos, San Salvador, the brothers Samuel, Diego and Edward Díaz Palacios, aged 10, 13 and 16, respectively, have begun to shine with their own light in Salvadoran skating and have become the present and future of the sport of speed.
Even in the III National Race Skating Championship and III Festival of Basic Schools, which took place recently, “the talented Diaz brothers”, as skaters have been called, dominated their respective categories at will.
But the good performance of the athletes is not the product of chance, but of the effort they make every day to move from their home to the ExPolvorín Sports Complex, where the skating rink is located.
For example, Samuel, the youngest of the trio, once he finishes his academic activities, goes to the skating rink to train for an hour and a half with other athletes from the Salvadoran Skating Federation.
Forged in the San Marcos Club, the little athlete recognizes that practicing skating is something extraordinary, since he likes speed and aspires to represent the country in a good way in the next Central American Skating Championship El Salvador 2021, in which he hopes to count with the support of their parents.
"I want my parents to come to see me, every day, because they are always busy," said Samuel, who is aware that his parents' absence is due to work commitments, but he longs to have their presence when he competes.
On the other hand, the child skater recognizes that when practicing this sport they suffer many falls, but this has not diminished their love of this discipline. “When I fall, I get up fast, I don't cry, and I don't think about it (hit), but I keep skating, I keep doing my job,” Samuel said.
And that work led the athlete to win five gold medals and a bronze in the 9-10 year old category of the III National Race Skating Championship and Basic Schools Festival.
Diego, meanwhile, competes in the 13-14 year-old category and acknowledges that skating caught his attention because it is a sport in which he has made many friends and because one of his greatest dreams is to win medals internationally for El Salvador.
“I would like to go to a World Cup and win a gold medal, but for that I have to train a lot. This is a very fun sport, in which you have to practice very hard to achieve your goals, ”said the athlete with few words.
In the III National Championship of Career Skating and Festival of Basic Schools, Diego took his breed and was able to win four silver and two bronze medals.
Edward, the oldest of all the Diaz and who, like his brothers, studies at the 10 de Octubre Community Educational Complex, has been skating since he was six years old and has been the main example for Samuel and Diego.
“My youngest brother is the national champion and I think he is great, I feel that he will give more results when he is older. The same I tell the middle man (Diego) to move on, and that, first God, we are all going to move forward, "said Edward.
The skater also related that he began to practice with high boot skates in one of the skating schools, then he went to the San Marcos Club and from there the federation identified that he had talent, so he began to compete and in less than a year he passed four stages and is now part of the selection. To improve his physical performance, Edward says he completes his workouts with gym and cycling (road).
“I am here wanting to improve myself to travel to other countries, because to date I have only been able to travel in Central America, but I want to travel to Colombia and move on. Thank God I have done well in Guatemala and Costa Rica, since I have given results ”, reflected the athlete.
Edward's love of skating is such that he has told his mom “I don't want to retire, I don't want to quit skating until I die,” so he contemplates passing on his motivation and passion for skating as a coach.
During the III National Race Skating Championship and Festival of Basic Schools, the harvest for the oldest of the Díaz was more disputed, since the 15-18 category is of the highest competitive level but managed to hang three silver and three bronze medals , thereby continuing to stand out.
Proud mother
For her part, Jessica Guadalupe Palacios, mother of the Díaz brothers, recognizes that the difficulties in transferring her children to the ExPolvorín Complex have not been an obstacle for them to stay in the sport and make her proud to see them compete.
“We started with the oldest, because he liked it, then the two youngest and now all three are skating. It is not easy, because the three of them have had to buy sports equipment to compete, "said Palacios.
But beyond the investment made, Jessica believes that sport is decisive for a better society and that is why she unconditionally supports her three offspring.
"I have been like this for four years (taking their children skating) and for me it is very important, because through sport better citizens are formed and it is a good investment for our children," reiterates the proud mother.
With good future
For her part, the coach of the Salvadoran Skating Federation (Fesap), Judith López, believes that skaters spare no effort when competing and that has made them stand out.
“Since 2018 they entered the talent area of the Salvadoran Skating Federation, there we evaluated them and we saw that they were outstanding athletes. The following year, the three of them were already members of the national teams, participating in the Central American Championship in Guatemala City. From then on, they have had a good process. Now they are already in those selected that would be in the next regional to be held in our country, "he says.
According to the coach, the brothers are projected to have better courses in the years to come, since each one, in their different categories, shines with their own light.
Article at Indes.gob.sv
DATE: August 29, 2021
IN ENGLISH: Skaters participated in the National Racing and Basic Schools Festival
IN SPANISH: Patinadores participaron el Nacional de Carreras y Festival de Escuelas Básicas
The skating track of the ExPolvorín Sports Complex hosted this weekend the competitions of the III National Racing Championship and III Festival of Basic Schools, organized by the Salvadoran Federation of Skating.
More than 200 athletes from the Santa Tecla, El Polvorín, San Marcos, Fusalmo, Santa Lucía, Chinameca and Nueva Guadalupe clubs participated in the event, as well as the Mejicanos, Ciudad Delgado, Berlin, Soyapango and Nejapa schools.
“We are very happy because we have seen how the level of the athletes is improving. We believe that we will form a competitive national team by December of this year, since we will participate in the Central American Championship, "said Rafael Mejía, president of Fesap.
Mejía explained that the Central American contest is scheduled to take place from December 10 to 14 and the national team would be made up of approximately 35 to 40 athletes in the categories from 9 years to older.
"We already have confirmation from Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala and we are waiting for Panama, to see if it can come," confirmed Mejía.
On the other hand, the leader mentioned that thanks to the team that was financed by the National Institute of Sports of El Salvador (INDES), the federation has expanded its work to other municipalities in San Salvador.
“We have reached agreements with Nejapa, Quezaltepeque, with Mejicanos (which will be extended to four more places), here they would sign an agreement to allow us to build a track on their land (mayor's office), all these schools are already working ”, He detailed.
The leader also mentioned that it is planned to put schools into operation in the Port of La Libertad and talks are being held with two other municipalities to open them this year.
The complete results of the III National Racing Championship and III Festival of Basic Schools are attached.
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Article at Indes.gob.sv
DATE: July 23, 2021
IN ENGLISH: The Salvadoran Skating Federation offers an Inline Hockey Clinic
IN SPANISH: La Federación Salvadoreña de Patinaje brinda Clínica de Hockey en Línea
In order to offer a new sports modality, the Salvadoran Skating Federation (Fesap), organized the first Inline Hockey Clinic, which had the support of two foreign experts.
The activity took place from July 21 to 23, at the indoor archery facilities, located in Ciudad Merliot, attended by 90 participants ranging from 6 to 15 years of age, from San Marcos, Soyapango , Santa Tecla, Mejicanos, Ciudad Delgado and San Miguel.
According to the president of Fesap, Rafael Mejía, one of the main objectives of the training was to promote roller hockey as a new option for sports practice.
The clinic was given by experts Pablo Navarro, from Brazil, and Dave Hammond, from Canada, members of World Skate, an organization that is responsible for developing this discipline among children and young people, Mejía reported.
On the first day of the presentation, the topic was focused on the basic introduction to hockey, in which they explained the rules of the game and the elements used for its practice.
On the second day they presented the fundamental principles of hockey practice and the last day was to practice hockey games.
“We are at the gates of a new modality that has been developed in many countries and that has been quite successful throughout the world. For this first clinic, three groups have been made, one goes from 6 to 10 years, another from 11 to 14, and 15 years and more, ”said Mejía.
Mejía also mentioned that another objective is to form teams in the 14 departments of the country, "and why not think about the creation of a league that allows this modality to be professionalized in El Salvador."
The arrival of the experts was possible thanks to the efforts made by Fesap, which have a long history. Brazilian Pablo Navarro is the coach of Canada, and coach of the United States, Colombia and Brazil teams; while Hammond, from Canada, is currently captain of his country's hockey team.
Both Navarro and Hammond come from the World Skate and Pama Golden Knights Academy and head coach, a project that officially develops World Skate Hockey worldwide.
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DATE: May 19, 2021
IN ENGLISH: Nejapa already has its first skating school
IN SPANISH: Nejapa ya cuenta con su primera escuela de patinaje
The Salvadoran Skating Federation (Fesap), this morning inaugurated the first initiation school in the municipality of Nejapa, which will benefit more than 50 children and young people in the area.
Present at the event were the president of Fesap, Rafael Mejía, who was accompanied by the board of directors Sandra Cruz; the mayor of Nejapa, Jorge Escamilla; as well as Roberto Carlos Pineda Cárcamo and Vladimir Herrera, coach and head of the sports area of the municipality, respectively.
Mejía delivered sports equipment consisting of 20 pairs of skates, helmets, gloves, knee pads and wrist guards, valued at $ 2,800.
With this school, the federation already has 12 nationwide, which are located in Complejo Deportivo Ex Polvorín, San Marcos, Santa Tecla, FUSALMO, Chinameca, Nueva Guadalupe, Mejicanos, Ciudad Delgado, Soyapango, Berlin and Santa Lucía ( Ilopango).
“We aim to open five schools this year. This is the first with which we are starting in 2021, after all this situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are very happy because we have opened it in a place where there is a lot of expectation for this sport ”, said Mejía .
The skating classes will be taught in the gymnasium of the Nejapa Sports Center and will have five levels of basic education. The first level will be from four years of age, and will be in charge of coach Roberto Pineda.
For his part, the building chief positively appreciated having a school of this discipline that will allow the children and young people of the town to have one more option for recreation and learning.
“To thank the president of the skating federation for the support and initiative of the creation of this first school in the municipality. I want to tell you that we are betting on making Nejapa a sports city and we cannot do it if we do not involve all sports disciplines ”, were the words of Escamilla.
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April 26, 2021
IN ENGLISH: Skating evaluates future promises
IN SPANISH: Patinaje evalúa a las futuras promesas
In order to evaluate future national promises, the Salvadoran Skating Federation (Fesap), held this weekend the II Skating Talents Test.
Dressed in their competition uniforms and the respective protection, the 40 children from the Fusalmo, Santa Tecla, San Marcos, Mejicanos, Chinameca, Berlin and Ciudad Delgado clubs demonstrated their skill on skates.
The event, as reported by Fesap, aimed to technically evaluate the infant skaters who were discovered in the Basic School (initiation) and who now, thanks to this event, could enter the preparation process in the Specialized School.
"We want to find the skaters who have the best performance, the greatest skill on the skate and thus be able to start their process in speed races with a view to high performance," informed Rubén Darío García, coach of the Fesap national teams.
García also explained that the participants are evaluated through skill circuits that, although they seem simple, are fundamental for the specialization in races.
Similarly, the national coach commented that the children, whose ages range between 7 and 15 years, are rated for dexterity, balance and mastery of the skates through exercises that were taught in the initiation process.
“For example, bilateral movements are made, to the right and left, balance, crosses. In short, they are a series of skills to perfect the technique, that they have a good command and the process that awaits them in the future is not complicated, "he added.
On the other hand, the national coach reported that two controls are scheduled for July 4 and December 5 and thus more athletes have the opportunity to join the Specialized School.
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DATE: February 24, 2021
IN ENGLISH: Speed-packed weekend on skates
IN SPANISH: Fin de semana cargado de velocidad sobre patines
The public and competitors who attended the national skating rink were filled with a lot of adrenaline this weekend after the I National Racing Championship and the I Basic School Festival, organized by the Salvadoran Skating Federation (Fesap).
The event brought together 100 skaters in the children's, youth and senior categories, from the El Polvorín, San Marcos, Nueva Guadalupe, Mejicanos, Ciudad Delgado and Berlin clubs.
In the senior category, the representatives of the El Polvorín Club, Kenia León and Odir Miranda, remained in the first places in the 200 m goal against goal, with the times 22,039 and 18,994, respectively, as well as, in the 500 more distance with records of 53,382 and 47,489, respectively.
Kenya also took first place in the elimination event, and a second place in the points event; meanwhile, Miranda also placed second in the elimination test.
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DATE: February 14, 2021
IN ENGLISH: Salvadoran skating with three bronzes at the Pan American Nations Championship
IN SPANISH: Patinaje salvadoreño con tres bronces en el Campeonato Panamericano de Naciones
Three bronze medals were won by the Salvadoran delegation that participated in the Pan American Speed Skating Nations Championship, which took place in Ibagué, Colombia.
The national Ivonne Nóchez, of the youth category, was the most outstanding national athlete, since she obtained two bronze medals: one in the 200 m race goal by goal with a time of 19:44, and another in the 100 meter lane test. with a time of 11: 021.
“I am very happy that I was able to win these bronze medals. Grateful to INDES, for the support they have given us for the base we had before this championship. With the Salvadoran Skating Federation and with my coach Rubén (García) and with all my teammates, who have been ”, commented the medalist.
For his part, Marvin Rodríguez also took a bronze medal in the 100 m lane test with a time of 10: 223.
“I am very proud of the achievements we have made. I thank God, INDES, my family and El Salvador for supporting us so much. I dedicate this medal to all the people who trusted us ”, were Rodríguez's brief words after receiving the medal.
With these results, El Salvador finished in sixth position in the overall medal table, in which Colombia, the clear dominant of the event, remained in first place, followed by Ecuador and Chile.
For his part, the president of the Salvadoran Skating Federation, Rafael Mejía, who joined the delegation to witness the championship, made it clear that the results are not the product of chance.
“It is a job that has been done for a long time. We had not been able to take off due to lack of support, which we had not had, which we have had until this management (INDES) ”, he considered.
Five national teams were selected who carried out a training base with the financial support of INDES, precisely to compete in this Pan American Championship of Speed Skating Clubs and Nations, in the latter it was in which the cuscatlecos competed and obtained the results.
The base was developed from December to February 6 in Colombia and was qualifying for the Junior Pan American Games, in that sense and according to Lérida Colato, administrative manager of the Salvadoran Skating Federation, the athletes who obtained their ticket will be officially communicated by the World Skate America (WSA) in the next few days.
Medal table until February 13, 2021
Article at Indes.gob.sv
DATE: January 13, 2021
IN ENGLISH: Salvadoran skaters perform training base in Colombia
IN SPANISH: Patinadores salvadoreños realizan base de entrenamiento en Colombia
The Salvadoran Skating Federation (Fesap) reported that five Salvadoran athletes and their coach traveled to Cali, Colombia at the end of December to conduct a training base.
Haydee Barrios, Emely Santacruz, Ivonne Nóchez, Luis Nóchez and Marvin Rodríguez, are the youth skaters who are in coffee territory together with coach Rubén Darío García Luengas. The training base will end on February 5.
Lérida Colato, administrative manager of Fesap, explained that the national teams are preparing for the Pan American Championship of Speed Skating Clubs and Nations, to be held from January 23 to February 6 in Colombia and will qualify for the Junior Pan American Games.
On the other hand, Colato reported that, according to the indications issued by the National Institute of Sports of El Salvador (INDES), the federation has prioritized the face-to-face training of the athletes of the preselections.
“We have prioritized the athletes with whom we cannot stop, since last year's quarantine affected us a lot. Many countries were training, each in their own way, logically, but for us, at the Central American level, it was the country that affected the most, and we have several important events this year, "he explained.
According to Colato, this year they intend to win the Central American Skating Championship again and therefore they must keep the shortlisted athletes active.
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DATE: December 15, 2020
IN ENGLISH: Nóchez brothers dominate in racing skating
IN SPANISH: Hermanos Nóchez dominan en el patinaje de carreras
This weekend the Closing Festival of Racing Skating and Basic School 2020 was held, with the participation of more than 100 children, in the categories from 6 to more than 15 years old. The event, which included the biosafety protocol measures, took place without major setbacks at the ExPolvorín Sports Complex.
At the festival, Ivonne Nóchez, with a time of 16.43, and Luis Armando Nóchez, stopped the clock at 16.69, as champions, in the racing modality, in the 15-18 year-old category, in the 200 m run test.
Likewise, both brothers obtained first place in the 300m individual time trial, in which Ivonne arrived with a time of 27.46, and Luis with 26.65.
Ivonne was also the winner of the 2,000 m individual time trial with 3:17, while her brother Luis, obtained second place with 3.19.
While in the Basic School modality, they excelled in the star ability circuit test, category more than 15 years, in women, Valeria Patricia Aceituno, with a time of 24.52, and in men, Carlos Daniel Piche, with a time of 24.24.
According to Rubén Darío García, Colombian coach and national skating coach, the activity was “the second championship after the pandemic, applying the protocols. We are racing against the clock and individually, everything is following the biosafety protocols ”.
Likewise, García mentioned that two weeks ago the Salvadoran Federation of Skating (Fesap), carried out a control limit only with races and specialization, “from where they will take some scores together with this championship with a view to obtaining the national preselection for the upcoming tournaments. next year ”, he explained.
In that sense, the coach mentioned that one of the upcoming competitions will be the qualifier for the junior Pan-American games that will be held in Colombia in January.
"That is like the fundamental competition that we have, which will take place at the end of January, that is why we are thinking of making a base in Colombia, we are waiting for them to approve that to be able to go to develop that classification that is one of the youth categories, "he said.
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Article at Indes.gob.sv
October 8, 2020
IN ENGLISH: Skating plans to found four schools
IN SPANISH: Patinaje se proyecta a fundar cuatro escuelas
The Salvadoran Skating Federation (Fesap) will soon see its dream come true: to expand the discipline to the interior of the country. This will be possible thanks to the recent acquisition of 120 pairs of skates, which were acquired with funds from the National Institute of Sports of El Salvador (INDES).
This purchase, valued at $ 12,500, is part of the help that INDES has provided for the decentralization of sport to all sports federations.
The acquisition was confirmed by the president of Fesap, Rafael Mejía, who explained that they had been trying for years to develop the sport of wheels in the interior of the country, but due to the little support that had been had to expand it, this had not been possible. specify.
“Thanks to the new administration (of INDES) that is now in place, which approved a project for us to purchase skates to open schools. We have managed to get equipment to open four schools before the end of this year ”, explained Mejía.
In this sense, the federative reported that there are already approaches to sign agreements with the municipalities of Nejapa and Colón, as well as with two more with which they are still finalizing details, but considers it a fact that they will open in the remainder of the year. The federative assured that they expect to have 50 children in each school. At the moment, federated skating is in six departments, so the leader does not lose hope that they can be present with skating throughout the country.
“Little by little we are going to enter, at least, in the heads of the departments, to begin to disseminate them in the municipalities. With the four schools scheduled, we hope to have 200 new boys practicing the sport, ”said Mejía.
Skating will begin classes next week, after INDES and the Ministry of Health endorsed the health protocol for responsible return to activities.
In that sense, the federative explained that they consider that at the end of November they could hold competitive events in person.
Likewise, he mentioned that in coordination with the Department of School Sports of INDES, the federation will carry out training for physical education teachers, who work in the Ministry of Education, which will be virtual, in which issues related to the skating.
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DATE: August 24, 2020
IN ENGLISH: Psychological support for sports federations continues
IN SPANISH: Continúa el apoyo psicológico a las federaciones deportivas
The team of psychologists from the Department of Applied Sports Sciences of the National Institute of Sports of El Salvador (INDES), which is headed by César Ramírez, continues with its titanic work of supporting athletes from different sports federations.
Ramirez explained that last week they attended water sports, skating and gymnastics, with which they defined the steps to follow to provide the necessary support to athletes.
Regarding skating, César Ramirez and Jackeline Velásquez, psychological support assigned to this sport, met with the technical team made up of coaches Rubén García, Judith López and Mónica García, to learn about the psycho-technical needs they have as a discipline sports and with it make the psychological training work plan with their skaters.
Article at Indes.gob.sv
DATE: May 21, 2020
IN ENGLISH: Skating projects to have new verve
IN SPANISH: Patinaje proyecta tener nuevos bríos
At the beginning of March, the Salvadoran Skating Federation (Fesap) brought good news to its coaching staff after the arrival of Rubén Darío García Luengas, a Colombian coach who is projected to give new vigor to this discipline in the country.
With a history of having practiced para-athletics and adapted cycling (paracycling), activities that he will shed while he is as a Salvadoran skating coach, García Luengas says that he has arrived with the objective of “making this sport grow in the country”.
“The idea is to help El Salvador to strengthen its sports bases in terms of technique, to train the technical staff of this institution in everything related to the application of correct training loads. To empower current athletes in all their technical, tactical, physical and psychological capacities so that they achieve a better representation at the national and international level ”, the coach mentions.
García Luengas also works in a program for sports initiation schools, which will allow them to have a correct development in sports without violating the normal biological process of children, so that when they reach the sports specialization, there are no injuries or dropouts due to frustrations. that generate this change, which is often abrupt if you do not know how to carry it.
"The idea is also to massify this sport in El Salvador, and that it serves as a social means for good development both in sports and in the human, instilling values, principles of life, strengthening the sense of belonging to its institutions (INDES, Fesap), and above all, towards the country itself, in order to avoid the syndrome of emigration due to lack of opportunities ”, reiterates the professional.
The new coach is also aware of the national reality, which, he considers, can be counteracted through the inclusion of society, through sport, in terms of the integration of teams that represent the country at an international level.
“This gives life to (the athletes) and will generate self-discipline in everything they undertake in the future, thus being generators of change in society, better culture and more conscious beings that will undoubtedly contribute their grain of sand to development. from El Salvador, ”he says.
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Within his experience in the technical part, García has worked in the planning and execution of training in basic and specialization school categories, he has also been an assistant in the youth and senior category, preselection and selection of Valle de su País; In addition, he was part of the sports processes of world champions such as Edwin Estrada, Daniela Mendoza, Carlos Pérez, Óscar Cobo, Sebastián Sanz, Yesenia Escobar, Magda Garcés and Johnny Angulo, among others.
Article at Indes.gob.sv
DATE: May 19, 2020
IN ENGLISH: Skating won't stop rolling
IN SPANISH: Patinaje no deja de rodar
Despite the home quarantine that the country is experiencing due to COVID-19, the Salvadoran Skating Federation (Fesap) does not stop doing activities aimed at the constant improvement of its athletes.
Recently the federation organized a training focused on the Initiation and Development in Basic Skating School, Bases of training and Development of displacement, which were given by the national professor Carlos Hernández, who had the support of the trainer Rubén Darío García, of origin Colombian, which has come to strengthen the technical area of this sport.
The training was aimed at coaches and monitors of the federation, which was developed in three sessions that ended yesterday, with the theme of food and nutrition, which was aimed at athletes and parents.
According to the administrative manager of Fesap, Lérida Colato, since the crisis began in the country they have organized trainings and invited athletes to stay active at home. On this occasion, he said that eight coaches participated.
According to the manager, the technicians had the opportunity to develop the topics related to the Bases for training in children, Didactics and Skating Methodology Basic School - Exercises and Levels, Pedagogical, didactic and methodological concepts of teaching-learning, and Development of the displacement technique in skating.
For her part, Judith López, participating coach said that “it was a very interesting course, because even though we are high-performance coaches, we believe that we know everything about the initiation part, but when they teach us these courses we give ourselves note that there are still several gaps, which over time we are filling ”.
López also highlighted the role of the new Colombian coach, who “in this time has been very useful. He has provided a lot of new knowledge, due to his experience in Colombia, for us as national coaches we are very satisfied that the federation tries hard to keep us active ”.
At the beginning of May, Hernández also gave a talk on food and nutrition aimed at athletes and parents, in order to reinforce good food management.
Article at Indes.gob.sv
DATE: March 1, 2020
IN ENGLISH: Skating receives renovated facilities and organizes two festivals
IN SPANISH: Patinaje recibe instalaciones remozadas y organiza dos festivales
A landscape full of diversity of colors for the uniforms of the different clubs present. Smiling children and parents eager to see their little ones test their skills on the renovated track of the National Skateboard, was what was experienced in the I Festival of Basic School and I Festival of Career, developed this weekend.
“After almost 20 years since the track was built, there had been no additional repair to the perimeter fence, but the damage was already noticeable,” said Rafael Mejía, president of the Salvadoran Skating Federation (Fesap), who thanked the support to the new administration of the National Institute of Sports of El Salvador (INDES) and the honorary president, Yamil Bukele.
According to Marisol de Cortez, INDES sports manager, the investment was $ 5,000, and the repair lasted about three weeks. The federation offices were also renovated.
“The athletes were already feeling the blow to their ankles and legs due to the loss of what joined, the weeds. We have repaired all the drainage that had broken with the passage of time and the movements of the earth, but it has already been repaired and we thank God for his support ”, Mejía stressed.
Double festival
The elementary school festivals have the objective that the children begin to demonstrate their skills, that they get excited about the competitions. "It is practically our seedbed, we are seeing the talents, the children that we have to support to move them to the race and at the same time, we do the competitions together so that the minor categories are motivated by what they can do in this sporting discipline ”, Explained the president of Fesap.
For the activity, which ranged from the 6-year-old category to 15 years and over, and was attended by clubs Fusalmo, Santa Lucía, Soyapango, Santa Tecla, El Polvorín, Ciudad Delgado and Cuscatancingo, among others.
Skating with Colombian coach
Mejía clarified that the clubs only brought the most advanced children to the festivals, and he hopes to open more, especially now that they have a foreign coach.
“After 8 years it was possible to hire a foreign coach to achieve the international results that the federation wants to give. The Colombian Rubén García will be with us not only for a month, as had been said, but he will accompany us the rest of the year he will be with us until December, we are sure that this will lead us to have the results we want, thanks again to that support that we are receiving ”, commented Mejía.
For his part, the new national skating coach already has a clear path to follow in the coming days, to face the challenge that lies ahead.
"There is talent, there are good boys, good children, they have done a good process here in El Salvador, there are things to improve like everywhere else, but you can see the talent and where to work, so that's what we're here for," said García, who was a month in the country last year, which makes it possible to speak properly.
The Colombian, originally from Cali, made a diagnosis, which will allow him to trace the route to follow for the next few months, in which he hopes that the results will arrive little by little.
"The first step here is to organize ourselves with the board, I come with a training plan, a work plan, we are going to see what we have, what resources and what we can do to obtain the expected results," said Garcia.
Article at Indes.gob.sv
DATE: December 15, 2019
IN ENGLISH: Club San Marcos was crowned 2019 national skating champion
IN SPANISH: Club San Marcos se coronó campeón nacional 2019 de patinaje
Skating held the 2019 National Championship and Closing Festival, a contest
that served to crown the San Marcos club as the leader of this discipline
with 1,323 points. In second place was Santa Tecla with 960 units and
third place went to the Fusalmo club with 569.
With an excellent participation of skaters this weekend,
this championship was held at the skating rink located
in the ExPolvorín facilities.
In this sense, he mentioned that for this contest it was possible
to bring together schools in training from Berlin (Usulután),
Soyapango, Ciudad Delgado and Mejicanos. “The only one that is
absent is that of Morazán, which has been active all year.
We hope that by next year all these schools will become
formal ”, he assured.
The clubs that attended were: El Cafetalón, Las Delicias,
ExPolvorín, San Marcos, Santa Lucía, Fusalmo, Chinameca
and Nueva Concepción.
Article at Indes.gob.sv
DATE: October 19, 2019
IN ENGLISH: Skating prepares your new talents
IN SPANISH: Patinaje prepara a sus nuevos talentos
Jonathan Daniel Polillo is a boy of just nine years old,
but at his young age he already knows how to handle skates
very well. He, along with some thirty children, are part
of the Talents Project that the Salvadoran Skating Federation (FESAP)
carries out with the aim of strengthening the future promises of this sport.
“I belong to the 9-10 year old category and I am from the Santa Tecla Club.
What I like the most is when we win in competitions, because for that we
train hard. The modality that I like the most is the fund, because there
I win first and second places ”, says the little skater.
Polillo, along with other children from clubs such as
Santa Tecla, FUSALMO, San Marcos, Santa Lucía, Nueva Guadalupe,
Chinameca and the schools in formation in Berlin and Ciudad Delgado,
participated on Friday in the evaluations of the Talent Project
that were carried out at the “Evelyn García” National Skateboard.
Article at Indes.gob.sv
DATE: September 19, 2019
IN ENGLISH: Skating received Yamil Bukele
IN SPANISH: Patinaje recibió a Yamil Bukele
The honorary president of INDES, Yamil Bukele, was received this
afternoon by Rafael Mejía, head of the Salvadoran Skating Federation (FESAP)
and its board of directors.
Article at Indes.gob.sv
Meet the Kids of El Zonte, El Salvador’s Burgeoning Youth Skate Community
Article published in April o 2018 on the "theinertia.com" Web Site.
It was through meeting Alex Novoa, that I came to learn about his plan
to build a skate park in El Zonte. Kind of like the unofficial
mayor of the village, Alex is the owner of one of the
most well-established hostels on the beach, Esencia Nativa,
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